The Australian Logistics Council’s Code has been officially registered as a Chain of Responsibility Code in Victoria, under that State’s Road Safety Act 1986.
Michael Kilgariff from the ALC has publicly commented that “Registration of the Code means that if a company is charged with a breach under one of the provisions of the Road Safety Act 1986, it can use the Code to provide the basis of a ‘reasonable steps defence’ [in relation to]: mass, dimension and load restraint, fatigue and speeding.”
The ALC has registered its Code in Victoria as a step towards getting it registered by the National Regulator under the National Heavy Vehicle Law in 2013. (The first part of these laws, which have recently been sent to Ministers, include provisions for approving Codes that match those found in current Victorian law.)
Across the retailing, mining and manufacturing sectors (including meat processing and grain traders), the ALC is promoting its Code as the management tool for large customers, freight forwarders and prime contractors to meet their Chain of Responsibility duties.
The ALC has a brochure that helps freight customers and other parties to better understand their obligations, and how the Code’s audit regime works. Find it here, on the ALC website.
… the truckCare connection
Back in 2010, National Council agreed on a strategy to grow the impact of truckCare. One element of that strategy is to get truckCare recognised as an extension of the Code, in order to strengthen takeup of truckCare amongst retailers and processors.
Decisions arising from this work will be coming back to National Council in 2012.