ALRTA News – 11 November 2022


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ALRTA’s call for a self-insurance scheme for rural carriers received national media attention this week. ALRTA representatives recently pitched the concept during an Australian Senate Committee public hearing into our preparedness to deal with a foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak.
Our proposal for a Rural Transport Management Deposit Scheme would help deal with FMD risk, as well as other business shocks such as drought, fire, floods, COVID-19 and fuel price increases.
It is pleasing that our proposal is being talked about. We will continue to advocate for it with government and industry stakeholders.

 ALRTA Executive Director, Mat Munro; Deputy Committee Chair, Glenn Sterle; ALRTA Executive Member, Athol Carter. 

Read about it here.
Listen to an interview here.


Elanor Ashton has joined the ALRTA team as our National Officer in Canberra. Elanor replaces Colleen Mays who retired from the position after six years.
About Elanor:
Elanor is a skilled and experienced administration professional who has recently joined the ALRTA in our National Officer position. Elanor is an advocate at heart, loves working in associations and is looking forward to meeting members. Elanor has recently completed her Certificate IV in Business and she is eager to learn how to best support the industry achieve its goals.

As the granddaughter of a passionate wool farmer, Elanor understands the importance of rural trucking and is excited to learn more about the animal transport industry. Her drive, enthusiasm and integrity are a big part of what she brings to the role. Elanor is also very grateful for the opportunity to learn from Colleen, an ALRTA expert.

Outside of the office, Elanor is a fitness enthusiast, F45 gym member and Physical Culture (Physie) dancer.

Please make Elanor feel welcome next time you have dealings with our office.

Colleen Mays and Elanor Ashton. 


The 28 day public consultation period on the draft Managing Effluent in the Livestock Supply Chain Code of Practice closed on Friday 4 November 2022.
The code is a practical guide that assists livestock transporters and parties in the Chain of Responsibility to comply with their primary duty and other obligations under the HVNL relevant to managing livestock effluent during road transport. Development of the code was sponsored by the ALRTA in consultation with a wide range of representative stakeholders and assistance from the NHVR.
An assessment panel will convene next week to consider all feedback received during the consultation period. Changes may then be recommended by the panel. If the panel determines that the code complies with NHVR’s published guidelines, it may be registered.
Read the draft code here.


The potential for vehicles and equipment to get bogged on rural roads and properties is a current risk likely to persist as above-median rainfall is predicted for northern and eastern Australia over coming months while the La Niña’s influence remains.

ALRTA Treasurer Alan McKenzie says recovering bogged vehicles is an extremely dangerous activity. He points to recent vehicle and plant recovery incidents resulting in death, injury and equipment damage. Alan said that he has seen radiators and windscreens taken out when towing equipment fails due to the enormous tension that extraction places on chains, straps, cables, shackles and towballs. Towballs, Alan advises, should not be used to extract a bogged vehicle under any circumstances.

Fatal and injury incidents reported to authorities usually involve the failure and subsequent propulsion of recovery straps and/or equipment, such as D-shackles, through the windscreen of the towed vehicle or plant during an attempted extraction.

The following collated safety information includes some guidelines that can be found on the SafeWork NSW website:

Reduce the risk to workers and others involved in vehicle and farm equipment recovery by:

  • assessing conditions prior to commencing work, postpone work until conditions improve if there is a likelihood of becoming bogged
  • in the event of a vehicle or plant becoming bogged, remaining calm and carefully assessing the situation
  • creating an exclusion zone around the vehicle or piece of equipment during the recovery activity
    • only the vehicle operator and those necessary in the recovery should be allowed inside the exclusion zone
    • ensure an effective communication method is established between them (voice, radio, hand signals)
  • ensuring anyone within the exclusion zone is standing at 90 degrees to the axis of the tow line
    • do not stand at either end of the tow line as you are at higher risk of injury if the tow line breaks
  • only using straps and attachments that are in good condition and correctly rated for the weight and type of work involved
  • using a recovery damper, or place something heavy on the chain or strap, for example a blanket, coat or bag, to reduce the force of the recoil and risk of injury if the recovery line does break, so that if the chain or strap breaks it will fall to the ground
  • only using anchor points on vehicles and machinery approved by the manufacturer
  • aborting the extraction of the bogged vehicle or equipment if things are not going to plan
  • only using well maintained and approved equipment in line with the manufacturer’s instructions, make sure the attachment points will hold under pressure
  • performing a risk assessment before attempting any vehicle or equipment recovery
  • ensuring the pulling force exceeds the immovable force, check that the towing vehicle is large enough, ie the same size or larger than the vehicle to be extracted
  • reducing the weight of the vehicle to be recovered (ie unload or decouple if possible)
  • pulling in a straight line, applying power slowly and smoothly.

If you question the integrity of any piece of recovery equipment, stop using it. It’s not worth sacrificing safety so you can save the cost of calling on professional help.

Some farming groups are now holding free bogged machinery information sessions, for example:

If you’re a farmer, farm employee or machinery operator you can register here.


Nominations are now open to the 2023 Daimler Truck AG Future Leaders’ Forum. In this career-defining program participants will be mentored by experts in leadership, media, and industry advocacy.

The 2023 program will consist of:

  • Two days of intensive workshops in Canberra in February 2023
  • Development of industry advocacy projects
  • A digital check-in meeting
  • Participation in Trucking Australia 2023 from 29-31 March 2023

ALRTA President Scott McDonald joined in the program in 2022 and said he found it very beneficial. He enthusiastically recommends participation by rural trucking’s up and coming industry leaders. Nominate a future leader now.

Find out more at


Data security has been in the news recently and in a timely initiative the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) has partnered with Commbank and Telstra to launch a Cyber Wardens pilot program to encourage stretched small business owners to address their cyber security risks.
Cyber Wardens is a simple and free online educational tool designed to build a cyber-smart small business workforce. The program will be designed by small business, for small business, aiming to upskill Australia’s small business workforce and give owners and employees the tools they need to stay safe online.
The Cyber Wardens program will be rolled out at no cost to small businesses and has been designed so that anyone can take part in the training, you don’t have to be tech-savvy or an IT wizard to put your hand up. 

For more information on the Cyber Wardens initiative, or to register and be one of the first businesses to benefit from this free program, visit –

Cyber threats to small business impact Australian supply chains and our whole economy.


It could be you. Nominate your champion to the 2023 Teletrac Navman Driving Change Diversity Program. It’s a ground-breaking initiative that celebrates industry diversity, develops diversity champions, and will improve the image of the trucking industry.

The program will showcase diversity champions to the trucking industry and wider community through program participant stories, diversity training and a marketing campaign, promoting positive perception of industry and encouraging new entrants into the workforce.
The 2023 program will consist of:

  • Filming participant stories in their workplace
  • Industry marketing and promotional campaign
  • Diversity workshop and participation in Trucking Australia 2023 from 28-31 March 2023

Nominations are now open. For more information go to the ATA website here.

Check out Sarah’s story on YouTube. Sarah drives for Tate’s Transport in Tasmania.


LBRCA have provide the following on the NSW Country Truck Washes:

  • Corowa: Due to the recent heavy rainfall and high-water levels in the effluent treatment system, the truck wash at Corowa Saleyards will be open for weekly sales only on Sunday and Monday each week.  The truck wash will be closed at all other times until further notice. The nearest truck wash is located at the Barnawartha Saleyards.
  • Tamworth: LBRCA led by executive member Graeme Hoare is liaising with Tamworth RLX to resolve the water supply issues at the truck wash.  
  • Finley: LBRCA committee member Craig Congram in conjunction with LBRCA has raised concerns about the significant increase in truck wash charges at the Finley truck wash located at the saleyards. The price has increased by 120% from 0.4090 per minute to 0.9090 cents per minute from 1 September 2022.


LBRCA – 9-11 March 2023 – TAMWORTH NSW
LRTAQ – 16-17 March 2023 – TOWNSVILLE QLD
LRTASA – 16-17 June 2023 – Adelaide Entertainment Centre – SA
LRTAWA/NATIONAL Combined Conference – 4-5 August 2023 – WA (Venue TBC)