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Level 3/25 National Circuit, Forrest ACT 2603 02 6247 5434


Ramp Guide

Background to the Guide

Loading ramps are the most hazardous areas in livestock holding facilities, posing risks of crushing, lacerations, and falls. Developed by ALRTA with input from industry stakeholders, including animal producers, transporters, and safety authorities, the Guide aims to address these risks. The Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Victoria (LRTAV) created model ramp designs in 2006, and in March 2014, ALRTA convened 40 participants from across the supply chain to develop a national guide. An industry-government working party formed, releasing a draft guide for public consultation in May 2015. After receiving sixteen formal submissions, the final guide was revised to incorporate stakeholder feedback.

The Guide

Recent changes in legislation now mandate that workplace safety risks be controlled as far as reasonably practicable. Australian Animal Welfare Standards also require that livestock handling facilities minimize risks to animal welfare. The Guide outlines potential hazards of livestock loading ramps and forcing yards and provides practical examples to control risks for different facilities. It includes general principles and a range of model ramp designs, from basic, low-cost options for farms to advanced commercial designs.

How to get a copy

To request a Hard Copy, please contact us.