Most Australian livestock market truckwash facilities participate in a user pays 2% LSRI levy on truckwash charges which livestock transport operators pay when they use these facilities.
No cost to saleyards/councils
Participation imposes no costs to saleyard or council operations because National Truckwash System keyholders agree to pay the 2% LSRI levy as part of the terms and conditions for use of their truckwash access key. If a truckwash facility does not charge the levy then it is NOT added to the transporter’s costs so that the return to the facility operator is exactly the same whether the levy is or is not charged.
Levy benefits livestock industry
LSRI levy revenue exclusively contributes to the work of livestock related industry associations, the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association, the Australian Livestock Markets Association and the Australian Livestock Saleyards Association, supporting such projects as:
1. Development of the guidelines for the design of loading ramps including the construction of a demonstration unloading facility
2. Development of an Industry Code of Practice for Effluent Management including the construction of a demonstration site for effluent management and control
3. Development of a National Ramp Standard
4. Development of industry animal welfare standards
5. Development of an Australian Model Code of Practice for Livestock Saleyards and Lairages
6. Fatigue Management Flexibility via Animal Welfare Notice which provides an extra 1 hour of driving time; personal exemption to drive the prime mover (without trailer(s)) for an extra hour
7. Load Restraint Guides
8. Proposal for better guidelines for National Vendor Declarations
9. Development of online WHS training programs for saleyard operations
For a list of truckwash facilities, (including the additional 2% levy payable to Livestock Services Research and Innovations Inc), which are part of the National Truckwash System, please click here.
There are over 100 truckwashes across Australia, click here to see the locations on a map.