ALRTA News – 9 February 2018


The ALRTA/LBRCA National Conference takes place over 23-24 March 2018 in Coffs Harbour.

This is your chance to attend Australia’s prime livestock and rural transporters conference. BP Australia wants you to get involved and are providing you with $500 worth of BP Fuel Vouchers to get you there. BP are supporting two ambassadorial spots for each member state to ensure that each state has the opportunity to attend and be heard.

To apply to be a conference ambassador, simply tell us in 25 words or less why you want to come to the conference.

Send your application to by 28 February 2018.

For more information about the conference please click here:

Our Platinum Partner, BP is a long-time supporter of our industry and have played a critical role in helping us achieve ‘on the ground’ outcomes for our members. Please visit to find out more about BP.



ALRTA has responded to the regulatory impact statement relating to the National Heavy Vehicle Braking Strategy Phase II – Improving the Stability and Control of Heavy Vehicles.

In summary, ALRTA has supported:

  • mandating ESC for trucks and RSC for trailers
  • a specific exemption for converter dollies (with a requirement for through wiring)
  • a requirement for road train rated equipment to supply 24v
  • a manual off-switch that re-engages at speeds above 40kmhr
  • automatic slack adjusters

ALRTA has also recommended that the Australian Government mandate ESC for all trucks over 4.5t, rather than adopting the RIS recommendation to limit application to prime movers only.

Our preferred option will deliver the safest outcome plus expected net benefits of $167m.



ALRTA has made a submission to NHVR in response to the Notice of Proposed Rule Making: Electronic Work Diary (EWD) Policy Framework and Standards.

ALRTA does not support the proposal to approve EWDs.

In ALRTA’s opinion, drivers and operators who use EWDs will be far more exposed to potential compliance and enforcement activity.  We have fundamental concerns about whether or not EWDs are compatible with the current regulatory and operational environment that has been built around written work diaries.
Thus far, the NHVR has only released two parts of the proposed regulatory system, being:

  1. EWD Policy Framework; and
  2. EWD standards.

The Policy Framework sets out the NHVR’s approach to administering the EWD provisions of the HVNL and is primarily of interest to regulators. The EWD Standards specifies the technical requirements of EWDs and is primarily of interest to technology developers.

However, by far the most important document for drivers and operators is the Compliance Policy, which has not been released for consideration.  In 2013, ALRTA wrote to the NTC highlighting the critical importance of the EWD Compliance Policy and recommended that priority be given to the development of this document.  Four years later we are being asked to consider a proposal that does not include a Compliance Policy.

It is also unclear exactly what a ‘voluntary’ EWDs will mean in a regulatory context.

On the surface, this would appear to mean that individual operators and drivers could choose to opt into (or out of) EWD use at any time.

However, there is a risk that governments might require EWDs as a condition of NHVAS, PBS, notices or permits and still consider this to be ‘voluntary’.

ALRTA has asked the NHVR to make a public statement clarifying this very important point.



The ALRTA has nominated Wade Lewis (LBRCA) as our representative to the ATA Future Leaders Forum which is supported by Daimler Truck and Bus.

The Forum program consists of:

  • Two days of intensive workshops in Canberra on 27-28 March 2018
  • A take-home leadership project
  • A digital check-in meeting
  • Participation in Trucking Australia 2018, to be held in Canberra from 18-20 April 2018

Participants will:

  • Learn how government policy is developed and how businesses and industry associations can have an influence in an effective and ethical way
  • Learn how to handle media interviews
  • Develop a leadership project on a key industry issue with facilitation and mentoring from Wisdom Learning. Participants will present the results at Trucking Australia 2018

Wade is the Intermodal Transport and Logistics Manager at Fletcher International Exports and is the representative to the NHVR and a member of the NSW Freight Connectivity Committee.  Over the past 12 years he has been a driver, logistics manager, intermodal manager and trainer.

Wade’s leadership project aims to deliver reform of the training and professional development platform for the heavy vehicle industry.  A key objective is to inform government of innovative and industry-driven opportunities by identifying training gaps and addressing these through best-practice and recognised training models.

ALRTA thanks the very high calibre applicants for putting themselves forward for consideration.



ALRTA National and State Presidents met with NHVR Senior Managers in Brisbane this week to discuss a range of important issues affecting our sector.

Here is a snapshot of some key outcomes:

  • IAP: government and industry stakeholders will meet this month to consider alternatives.
  • Primary producer rego: NHVR is actively considering enforcement challenges.
  • Review of livestock loading schemes: NHVR will commence work on a national notice.
  • Personal private use of a heavy vehicle: NHVR will re-consider if the exemption can be extended to BFM drivers during the 24hr break.
  • EWD: See article above.
  • National Notices: Work is nearing completion on the harmonised B-Double, Road Train and HML notices.
  • Access Portal: NHVR will develop new training materials.


Graeme Hoare (LRTAQ), Mathew Munro (ALRTA Executive Director) and Colleen Mays (ALRTA National Officer) met with the preferred host of our user-pay pivot access loading frame trial.  We had originally proposed to locate the trial site in Victoria, but after experiencing delays in obtaining the necessary approvals, the trial site is now likely to be in South East Queensland.

Our team met with site management, discussed information provided by the equipment provider (ProWay) and inspected the loading ramp and vehicle entry arrangements.

We are hopeful of making an announcement soon.



Fuel tax credit rates will increase for fuel acquired from 5 February 2018 (not 1 February as in previous years) in line with indexation of fuel excise duty.
Click here to find the new rates.
Members are reminded about tools available on the ATO website, including:


Does the thought of kicking off your boots and swapping them for thongs for a few days sound good?

The LBRCA and ALRTA are delighted to invite you to Opal Cove Resort, Coffs Harbour on 23-24 March for our 2018 combined conference, which means that your voice will be heard louder than ever!

We’re covering topics ranging from CoR, effluent and load restraint, Land Transport Market Reforms, infrastructure, network connectivity and plenty more!

These are in addition to the briefings by respected government speakers from both the NSW and National arenas.

And of course, there will be plenty of time network and enjoy the social aspects of the event including happy hours, a welcome reception, Friday night Blue Ribbon Surf & Turf dinner and entertainment, Saturday night National Sponsors Dinner and entertainment, the auction of a new Kenworth T610SAR courtesy of Brown & Hurley Coffs Harbour and a golf gala.

So why not grab your thongs, your partner, pack a few clothes and get ready to mix a little work with a lot of pleasure!

Enjoy the sand between your toes, the ocean at your doorstep and leave the rest up to us for a few days!

Register Today:

  1. Complete the registration form and return the LBRCA!
  2. Book your accommodation directly with Opal Cove Resort, quote LBRCA upon booking!

Further information is available from the LBRCA and ALRTA websites.