Diesel has a new layout for enews
The NHVR has issued the following information concerning border control measures as at 2pm, Thursday, 9 July 2020. For the latest information click here.
Please note that individual states and territories are responsible for their own border processes and are the best sources of information for changes. Any application to cross a border is completed and submitted through the relevant state or territory and not through the NHVR.
Australian Capital Territory
Is a border pass required? Yes – if entering ACT from Victoria
- Freight and logistics operators must apply for an exemption at least 48 hours (wherever possible) before your intended travel date.
- Transiting through the ACT for the purposes of freight is also an exempted purpose under the ACT Public Health Emergency Direction issued 8 July 2020.
More information for the ACT
New South Wales
Is a border pass required? Yes – if entering NSW from Victoria
- In most cases, people entering NSW from Victoria are required to have a current NSW border entry permit—this includes freight. Services NSW will receive and assess applications.
- There will be a new permit introduced this afternoon (9 July 2020) that will rectify the current issues with the NSW entry permit (including requiring a NSW address).
- In the meantime, Freight and Transport workers will still require the current critical services permit to enter NSW, but will not be held to account for any form of self-isolation – Apply for a COVID-19 NSW border entry permit
- Going forward, the freight industry will be excused from requirements to self-isolate, providing your employer has a COVID-Safe plan in place.
- COVID-Safe plans and guidelines to assist the industry are also available to align with this additional permit – COVID-19 Safety Plan
- Watch our video on Guide to completing your NSW COVID-19 Safety Plan
More information for New South Wales
Northern Territory
Is a border pass required? Yes – if entering Northern Territory from any other state
- From 17 July 2020 if you have been in a coronavirus hotspot, which includes all of Victoria:
- Any previous exemption is revoked immediately
- You cannot enter the Northern Territory and there are no exemptions being provided–including for freight
- All other people travelling to the Northern Territory must complete the arrival border crossing application.
- Any person providing services for the transport or freight of goods and related logistics into, within or out of the Territory is an exempt person for the purposes of entering the Northern Territory.
- These people must submit an application and have a letter signed by the Chief Health Officer (or their delegate) outlining the conditions under which they can enter the NT and work.
- Truck drivers must practise social distancing measures for 14 days after arriving in the Territory. They may stay in their truck or a hotel if staying overnight.
More information for the Northern Territory
Is a border pass required? Yes – if entering Queensland from any other state
- From noon July 10 2020 visitors from Victoria will no longer be able to gain access or quarantine in Queensland, unless they are in an exempt category.
- All freight drivers, including those coming from Victoria, will require a border pass that must be renewed every seven days.
- There are no additional quarantine requirements, though drivers should practice social distancing and good hygiene.
- Apply for a Queensland Border Declaration Pass.
More information for Queensland
South Australia
Is a border pass required? Yes – if entering South Australia from any other state
- As of 9 July 2020 Victorian residents are not permitted to enter South Australia. There are exemptions for essential travellers, which includes freight, and additional conditions around self-quarantine.
- If you are travelling into South Australia, you need to complete the cross border pre-approval form at least 72 hours prior to your arrival.
- Commercial transport and freight drivers who usually reside in Victoria are required to wear a face mask when interacting with the public in South Australia and maintain records of close contacts.
- They must also self-quarantine in South Australia when not undertaking work related duties. They may quarantine in their truck, or other private arrangement provided they are segregated from other people.
- Other commercial transport and freight drivers who enter South Australia in the conduct of their duties are not required to self-quarantine.
More information for South Australia
Is a border pass required? Yes – if entering Tasmania from any other state
- Everyone travelling to Tasmania must complete a form. Any visitors who have spent time in Victoria in the 14 days prior to travel are not permitted to travel to Tasmania.
- This does not apply to Essential Travellers (Specified Persons) from Victoria, who will still be able to apply to travel to Tasmania for a specified purpose. This category includes freight and logistics.
- Any person granted Essential Traveller status who has spent time in Victoria in the 14 days prior to travel will be required to wear a face mask and limit their movement when not in the workplace.
- Application for classification as an essential traveller
More information for Tasmania
Is a border pass required? – No border pass is required
- There are currently no restrictions on travel within Victoria for freight.
- Industry operators are asked to ensure they adhere to the health and safety protocols to protect their workforces and the public.
More information for Victoria
Western Australia
Is a border pass required? Yes – if entering Western Australia from any other state
- All heavy vehicle drivers must apply for an exemption under the transport, freight and logistics category to enter Western Australia.
- The quickest and simplest way to apply for an exemption is via the G2G PASS online form.
More information for Western Australia
The Australian Trucking Association (ATA) has welcomed the NSW Government’s decision to create a new permit that will allow essential freight workers to travel across the New South Wales-Victoria border without self-isolating.
The new permit follows a push from the ATA and its members, calling on the NSW Government to review its border controls and clarify the self-isolation direction for truck drivers.
“The new permit will allow truck drivers to travel between NSW and Victoria to carry out their work duties without the requirement to self-isolate, providing their employer has a COVID-19 Safety Plan,” ATA CEO Ben Maguire said today.
“Drivers were being directed to self-isolate for 14 days upon entering NSW, which was impractical. In some cases, the direction was not consistent with the official health order.
“We thank the NSW Government and Transport for NSW for listening to industry and their swift action in rectifying the issue.
“Trucking plays an essential role in Australian communities, ensuring access to food and medicine. We appreciate the government’s understanding and support,” he said.
The NSW Government has started developing the new permit, which we understand will be available through Service NSW by close of business today, 9 July.
“This is the kind of leadership we need in these times, and we must ensure confidence and certainty is maintained. There is no room for ambiguity,” Mr Maguire said.
Mr Maguire said that in addition to the need for a COVID-19 Safety Plan, drivers are asked to take extra care.
“Truck drivers should ensure they practice physical distancing, minimise contact and maintain good hygiene practices to limit the spread of the coronavirus,” Mr Maguire said.
“If drivers show symptoms of COVID-19, they should not be required to come to work.
“The ATA is working with the NSW Government on the details of the new permit to make sure it works as smoothly as possible, as well as a series of other border control issues,” he said.
The ALRTA National Council met via Zoom for the first time this week. With COVID-19 restrictions increasing in response to the Victorian outbreak future meetings may also be held via remote technology. Major items discussed included ALRTA Budget, PBS, heavy vehicle charging reform and farm gate access.
ALRTA National and State Presidents and the ALRTA National Member Chapter also met remotely this week ahead of the National Council meeting.
We all know them. They’re the go-to people. Australia’s 3.5 million small businesses.
From the local baker or plumber to the corner laundromat, small businesses together go to make something far more valuable than anything they do or sell. They help to build local communities.
Small businesses contribute to a third of our economic activity, keep millions of Australians in jobs and are responsible for paying wages to more than half of our workforce. They are vital to our everyday lives – especially now in our economic recovery.
This year has been tough for Australia’s small businesses, and they need our support. This could be as simple as eating at or getting takeaway from a local restaurant or café, buying your mum’s next birthday gift from a local shop, or liking and leaving positive reviews on their social media pages.
There are countless small ways to support local businesses. Let’s get Australia going again. Let’s GO LOCAL FIRST.
For more information click here.
New versions of LPA NVDs (0720) are now available for all species. While existing versions are accepted until 31 December 2020, only new versions, identified by version number 0720, will be accepted from 1 January 2021.
A webinar about the changes will be available to ALRTA members on Monday 27 July 2020 from 1pm.
The free one-hour session will provide an opportunity for you to find out all about the changes and to participate in a Q and A with the Integrity Systems Company team.
Register for the free webinar here.
ALRTA Newsletter is having a break next week (Friday, 17 July 2020). We will be back again on Friday 24 July 2020.
We hope you have a happy and safe school holiday break with the kids.
Shopper: “I want to return this unbreakable truck I bought for my boy last week.”
Cashier: “Did he break it?”
Shopper: “No, but he broke a whole lot of my stuff with it.”
From 24 March 2020 the ALRTA staff – Mathew, Sue, Colleen and Jack have been working from home amidst COVID-19. We are gradually coming back into the office with only one staff member present at a time.
Please email or call Colleen on the ALRTA mobile 0490 515 681 or Mathew (ED) on 0421 082 489.
LRTAQ (QLD) on 19-21 March 2020 at Roma QLD. – CANCELLED for 2020
LTAT (TAS) on 2 May 2020 in Hobart TAS. – POSTPONED
LRTASA (SA)on 12-13 June 2020 at Adelaide Entertainment Centre SA. – CANCELLED for 2020
LRTAWA/ALRTA (WA & National) on 24-25 July 2020. Perth WA.- CANCELLED for 2020
LRTAV (VIC) on 14-15 August 2020 at All Seasons Resort Bendigo VIC – CANCELLED for 2020
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