Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) welcomes the Government’s decision to carve out livestock from Closing Loopholes Bill
Closing Loopholes Bill has now passed through Parliament and it was publicly acknowledged there would be a carve out for livestock transport in the regulations. ALRTA thank Minister Burke for hearing the concerns of industry and making this concession.
Thank you also to Senator Pocock and the crossbench for consulting widely and responding to ALRTA’s calls for the livestock carve out.
ALRTA is a federated organisation and this outcome is a reflection of our state member associations coming together to bring about a favourable, pragmatic response on behalf of the rural transport industry.
Rachel Smith, Executive Director of ALRTA said “livestock transport is a unique and highly skilled industry, vastly different from running up and down the Hume Highway. These operators drive on some of Australia’s worst roads; they’re skilled drivers, small business owners, animal handlers and one of our first lines of defence against biosecurity risks.
It is this inherent uniqueness that means the setting of rates for livestock transport would be to significant detriment to the sector, as the minimum rate would quickly become the ceiling, pushing these small businesses to failure. Let’s not forget, livestock transporters, operate and inject capital in our regions, support local jobs and economies. They’re an important part of Australia’s food supply chain.”
This sensible and pragmatic move by Government will help ensure the ongoing viability of livestock transport in Australia. ALRTA look forward to working with the Minister and his office to design the regulatory framework to support this carve out.