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The Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) has rejected a proposal by an Infrastructure and Transport Ministers Meeting to increase heavy vehicle charges by between 6 – 10 per cent in each of the next three years. ALRTA has instead recommended 3 per cent increases commencing 2023-24.
In a submission to the National Transport Commission, ALRTA has argued that:
- COVID stimulus measures involving rushed or ill-considered projects should not be included in the cost-base;
- Road repairs relating to floods and bushfires should not be included in the cost-base. Trucks have not caused this damage and should not be required to pay;
- Road expenditure figures supplied by state and local governments to NTC are not substantiated or subject to third party audit;
- Industry is not consulted on road works;
- Road works are often of poor quality delivering sub-standard pavements and ongoing maintenance costs. Roads that should last 20-25 years are only lasting weeks or months.
Given these factors and the high inflation environment, ALRTA believes that necessary charging increases should be levied at a more moderate 3 per cent.
ALRTA has also reminded governments that, in 2014, Ministers flatly refused to implement an NTC recommendation to decrease charges by 6.3 per cent. If Ministers can’t swallow a 6 per cent adjustment in single year, how is it fair for industry to swallow three six per cent adjustments in a row?
Joel Haberfield (of Boyles Livestock Transport), was in Canberra this week attending the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) and Daimler Truck Future Leaders program.
Joel’s project will focus on making the case for the installation of livestock effluent disposal facilities in the road corridors of arterial roads around Melbourne, particularly the roads that service abattoirs on the outskirts of the city. This would help to prevent effluent loss on high traffic routes and promote positive driver safety, animal welfare and biosecurity outcomes.
The ALRTA National Driver and Animal Welfare Committee met via video conference this week. Issues discussed included: chain of responsibility, rest areas, effluent management, fit-to-load, Inspector-General of Animal Welfare, biosecurity, live exports, loading densities and truck washes.
The Committee will next meet in April 2023.
The Queensland Government has issued advice about changes to bull welfare standards. The new regulations make it illegal to sell or transport bulls with prolapsed prepuce and scrotal abnormalities.
For more information click here.
A case that’s been billed as ‘the biggest constitutional fight in 25 years’ is in the High Court.
Electric car owners, Kath Davies and Chris Vanderstock are taking the action against Victoria and its road user charge, and also have the support of the Federal Government.
Victoria introduced the Zero and Low Emissions Vehicles (ZLEV) distance-based charge on 1 July 2021 and imposes a 2.6 cent levy for every kilometre driven by an electric or hydrogen car, and 2.1 cents per kilometre for plug-in hybrids.
The Victorian Government said the levy was designed to replace fuel excise – a 47.7 cents-per-litre tax collected by the Federal Government and then distributed to the states as it sees fit – because electric vehicles were in effect getting a free ride by bypassing this revenue stream.
Victorian owners who have plug-in hybrids (either battery or petrol) pay both taxes.
The rest of Australia’s states and territories are standing behind Victoria.
However, the Commonwealth is arguing the ZLEV charge is a tax on goods – something only the Federal Government can impose.
The ATA has lodged submissions with the High Court in support of the plaintiffs, because of the implications of the case for road users and trucking businesses.
The Australian Government has now formally made ADR 80/04, which mandates Euro VI stage C and the equivalent US/Japanese standards.
The new ADR will apply to newly approved heavy vehicle models (M and N category vehicles with a GVM over 3.5 tonnes) from 1 November 2024 and all new heavy vehicles from 1 November 2025.
Access the final design rule
The National Transport Commission has released the Australian Dangerous Goods Code Edition 7.8. It can be used from 1 April 2023.
For a summary of the most important changes, please read Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail: differences between edition 7.7 and edition 7.8 and the explanatory document.
The NTC is now conducting a full review of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (the ADG Code). This work will focus on the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.
NTC is currently seeking stakeholder feedback for the Classification of dangerous goods – Working group paper 1 and Dangerous Goods List (UN entries) – Working group paper 2.
These papers are the first two in a series of topic-specific discussion papers and should be read in conjunction with Part 2 – Classification of the draft code.
Opportunities to comment on other provisions in the code will be provided over the next 12 months
Submissions for Working group paper 1 close on Friday 17 March 2023. Submissions for Working group paper 2 close on Friday 24 March 2023.
The South Australian Wine Industry Association (SAWIA) and the NHVR is reminding wine businesses to think about heavy vehicle use and safety this harvest.
The NHVR and SAWIA held a pre-harvest engagement session in Langhorne Creek in January to remind wine businesses of their obligations in the lead up to vintage.
Key tips for wineries, contractors and growers include:
- Ensure transport booking systems are flexible and allow for unexpected delays without penalty
- Ensure reasonable arrangements are made to manage loading and unloading time slots
- Ensure drivers and their schedulers can be contacted in case of delays
- Establish contingency plans in advance in case of delays
- Ensure vineyards and wineries have suitable places for drivers to rest
- Ensure loads are appropriately restrained and vehicles not overloaded before leaving a site
- Establish a process to address overloaded vehicles, i.e., who or what caused the issue and how to avoid overloading happening again.
Click here to read the SAWIA news article
Brown and Hurley Kenworth DAF Caboolture has been named Kenworth Dealer of the Year for 2022 for the first time.
At the awards ceremony, PACCAR Australia’s Managing Director, Andrew Hadjikakou, applauded the Caboolture dealership for their outstanding performance and unwavering commitment to customers.
“In an extremely competitive and challenging environment, customers continue to expect more from dealers. Brown and Hurley Kenworth DAF Caboolture have not only excelled in meeting these expectations but have also gone above and beyond in providing the highest standards of customer service and professionalism.
“Kenworth DAF Adelaide has been named the 2022 DAF Dealer of the Year. This is the first time Kenworth DAF Adelaide has been awarded the accolade since its introduction in 2002.
Andrew Hadjikakou, PACCAR Australia’s Managing Director, presented the Dealer of the Year trophy, congratulating Jonathan for this superb achievement to win the hotly contested DAF award and crediting the team for its outstanding performance.”
“In a year that still showed remnants of the pandemic and presented challenges due to global supply chain issues, Kenworth DAF Adelaide continued to not only exceed expectations, but also demonstrated the team’s drive to deliver an excellent customer experience in service and support to our DAF customers,” said Andrew.
LBRCA – 9-11 March 2023 – TAMWORTH NSW – Information & Registration
ATA TRUCKING AUSTRALIA 2023 – 29-31 March 2023 – SUNSHINE COAST QLD – Information & Registration
LRTASA – 16-17 June 2023 – Adelaide Entertainment Centre SA
LRTAWA/NATIONAL Combined Conference – 4-5 August 2023 – BUSSELTON – WA.
LRTAV – 11-12 August 2023 – BALLARAT – VIC
LRTAQ – 28-29 September 2023 – The Ville Resort, TOWNSVILLE – QLD
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