The ALRTA has lodged a submission in response to the NTC Discussion Paper on Load Restraint and Effluent. The NTC developed the discussion paper after ALRTA representatives convinced a Queensland Parliamentary Committee that the application of chain of responsibility to effluent related load restraint was severely deficient and required clarification.
The NTC discussion paper proposed to:
- Clarify the application of chain of responsibility duties for parties in the livestock supply chain; and
- Allow for minor, incidental and unavoidable (in any practical sense) spills that do not compromise the overriding safety objectives of the load restraint options.
ALRTA has made the following recommendations in response:
- Recommendation 1: Ministers should support NTC Option 2 – Amend section 111 to specifically include other chain of responsibility parties. If this is not supported, NTC Option 1 should be implemented instead.
- Recommendation 2: An infringement notice regime should be implemented to support either Option 1 or Option 2.
- Recommendation 3: Ministers should support NTC Option 3 – Allow for a minor, incidental or unavoidable loss of part of a load.
- Recommendation 4: If Ministers do not support the application of CoR to effluent related load restraint offences, a new category of exemption should be created specifying that any effluent loss from a heavy vehicle loaded with livestock does not constitute a load restraint offence.
Our first preference is for clear and effective chain of responsibility that will compel persons preparing livestock for road transport to consider the impact of their practices on effluent generation and consequential load restraint risk. If agreed, this will help to reduce the amount of effluent that must be managed by transport operators after entering road corridors.
This must also be supported by recognising in the HVNL that some effluent generation and loss is unavoidable due to the nature of live animals and the need for ventilated crates. If agreed, minor loss with no impact on safety would no longer be an offence. Importantly, this concept would also apply to other types of loads such as hay, cotton, grain, wet gravel etc.
We expect that livestock producers will resist any attempt to apply CoR to animal preparation. It would be blatantly unfair to leave the current situation unchanged wherein drivers are held solely responsible for effluent loss. If Ministers will not agree to properly apply CoR as intended by the HVNL, we have recommended that the NZ regulatory model be adopted in Australia instead.
Under the NZ model, the definition of ‘load’ specifically exempts wastes generated by animals being carried on a heavy vehicle. While this approach will not help encourage curfews, it would at least reduce the driver’s exposure to prosecution while loaded.
The NTC is expected to make recommendations for consideration at the November 2018 meeting of the Transport and Infrastructure Ministerial Council.
The Victorian Minister for Industrial Relations, the Hon Natalie Hutchins MP, has announced several reforms to the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act.
LRTAV and ALRTA made submissions to the review of the Act and subsequently met with the independent reviewer and the Minister’s Office. Owner drivers are defined as owning and operating between one and three trucks.
The reforms so far announced:
- 30 day payment terms for undisputed amounts (unless both parties agree to a different schedule);
- A low cost, confidential and binding dispute resolution service;
- A greater focus on education, compliance and enforcement for existing requirements (e.g. providing copies of rate schedules);
- Recognition of digital freight brokers (e.g. Uber); and
- $5.5m in funding for enforcement via the newly established Victorian Wage Inspectorate.
Our associations have spoken with the Minister’s Office this week and we can advise that there are several other reforms still to be announced. While confidential at this stage, the additional reforms do NOT establish mandatory minimum rates and exclude rural carriers in some instances as per our request.
Stay tuned for more information.
Nominations are now open for the 2018 Craig Roseneder Award, which recognises technical and maintenance excellence in the trucking industry.
Proudly sponsored by Castrol Vecton, the award celebrates the professionalism of the men and women who work behind the scenes in the trucking industry’s workshops.
“The Craig Roseneder award recognises the exceptional skill and dedication of Australia’s professional workshop personnel, with particular focus on innovation, mentoring and industry involvement,” Australian Trucking Association Chair, Geoff Crouch, said today.
“Each year, this award highlights the amazing calibre of people who work behind the scenes to keep our trucks safe on the road.”
“The award winner will not only receive national recognition for their outstanding achievement: they will also receive an amazing prize thanks to our friends at Castrol Vecton,” he said.
The winner will receive a fully paid trip to Atlanta, Georgia, USA, to attend the US Technology and Maintenance Council’s 2019 Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition including:
- Return airfares to the United States of America
- Full registration to attend the 2019 US Technology and Maintenance Council’s 2019 Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition
- 5 nights premium conference accommodation
- Partners’ program registration if applicable
- AUD $1,500 spending money
- Complimentary registration to the 2019 ATA Technology and Maintenance Conference
“There are so many amazing men and women in the trucking industry, and I’m sure we all know someone who would be deserving of this award,” Mr Crouch said.
“I urge everyone in the trucking industry to nominate someone great,” he said.
The award winner will be announced at the ATA’s 2018 Technology and Maintenance Conference, to be held 15-17 October at the Kangan Institute’s Automotive Centre of Excellence.
Nominations for the 2018 Craig Roseneder Award close on 14 September.
View the selection criteria and nominate someone great
In anticipation of new truck safety laws coming into effect on 1 October, the draft Registered Industry Code of Practice (Master Code) is now open for public consultation.
Developed by the Australian Logistics Council and the Australian Trucking Association, the Master Code was created by the industry for the industry, and will allow those with CoR obligations to put into place systems that will assist in the management of risks relating to speed, fatigue, mass, dimension and loading, and vehicle standards requirements under the HVNL.
The public consultation period on the Master Code runs until 31 July. Once approved and registered by the NHVR, the Master Code will be freely available to all heavy vehicle operators and supply chain parties via the NHVR website.
It is anticipated that the Master Code will be formally launched as part of the 2018 Supply Chain Safety & Compliance Summit, being held in Melbourne from 5-6 September.
Members are advised that the ALRTA will be holding a Council meeting and AGM on Thursday, 16 August 2018 at the Best Western, Airport Motel and Convention Centre, 33 Ardlie St, Victoria.
For more information please contact the ALRTA Secretariat.
LRTAWA Conference
The LRTAWA Annual State Conference will be held 20-21 July 2018 at the Quality Light House Hotel in Bunbury.
The program and registration forms are now available.
Click here for more information.
LRTAV Conference
The LRTAV Annual State Conference will be held 17-18 August 2018 at All Seasons Resort in Bendigo.
Click here for a Delegate Brochure.
Click here for a Delegate Registration Form.
ATA & ALC Supply Chain Safety & Compliance Summit
The ATA & ALC will hold the 2018 Supply Chain Safety & Compliance Summit, 5-6 September 2018, in Melbourne.
The Summit will be the last major industry event before the commencement of expanded chain of responsibility laws and the new Registered Industry Master Code of Practice.
Click here for more information.